Hello World!

My name is Bryan Karaffa

This is what I do ยป



Skills & Interests


System Administration

I have plenty of experience designing and maintaining a diverse array of IT systems.
My primary focus is replacing the need for onsite operations with IT engineering and automation.

Web Development

I enjoy developing web apps and taking on side projects to keep up on the latest web innovations.
I primarely code in PHP and JavaScript.


Geography, G.I.S. & Map Production

I have a B.A., in Geography with an emphasis in Geographic Information Science.
Since graduating I have been developing geographic information services and applications (like interactive maps and web apps that use geolocation).

Current Project

I am currently developing the
UCSB Interactive Campus Map
It is an interactive map (web app) developed using PHP and JavaScript.

More info can be found on the Bitbucket Page

Looking for more ?

Check out my social networking profiles

  Feel free to contact me!

The best way to get ahold of me is to e-mail me.  My e-mail address is simply my name, 
Bryan Karaffa @ gmail.com with no spaces.